HomeNewsRemembering Heysel, 36 years on

Remembering Heysel, 36 years on

Thirty-six year ago today 39 fans died at the Heysel Stadium in Belgium during the European Cup final between Liverpool and Juventus.

Crowd trouble in Block Z of the stadium led to many Juventus fans being crushed as the stadium wall collapsed. After the tragedy there were criticisms of the state of the stadium, the lack of segregation between the two sets of fans and the behaviour of supporters on the day.

May those who lost their lives on that day never be forgotten…

Rocco Acerra
Bruno Balli
Alfons Bos
Giancarlo Bruschera
Andrea Casula
Giovanni Casula
Nino Cerullo
Willy Chielens
Giuseppina Conti
Dirk Daenecky
Dionisio Fabbro
Jacques François
Eugenio Gagliano
Francesco Galli
Giancarlo Gonnelli
Alberto Guarini
Giovacchino Landini
Roberto Lorentini
Barbara Lusci
Franco Martelli
Gianni Mastroiaco
Sergio Bastino Mazzino
Loris Messore
Luciano Rocco Papaluca
Luigi Pidone
Benito Pistolato
Patrick Radcliffe
Domenico Ragazzi
Antonio Ragnanese
Claude Robert
Mario Ronchi
Domenico Russo
Tarcisio Salvi
Gianfranco Sarto
Giuseppe Spalaore
Mario Spanu
Tarcisio Venturin
Jean Michel Walla
Claudio Zavaroni

May they rest in peace.